How to magnify web pages?

All modern browsers support scaling of screen resolution to allow users to enlarge the content of the webpage being viewed to be zoomed up and down to suit their needs.


Zoom in

To zoom into the webpage making all the content larger hold Ctrl (Control key) and press the (plus) + key.

Zoom out

To zoom out of the webpage making all the content smaller hold Ctrl (Control key) and press the (minus) - key.

Reset scale

To return the page to it′s standard magnification hold Ctrl (Control key) and press the (zero) 0 key.

Apple Mac

The same proceedures are used on Apple Macs but Ctrl is replaced by the Command key.

The talk of the town

The talk of the town

A woman whose baking exploits are the talk of the town has won our good neighbour of the year competition.

Marjorie Perry, 95, was nominated by her neighbours at Londonderry Court in Seaham for the 2024 competition.

She was one of several people short-listed before a panel of judges choose her for this year’s award, which was announced at a DAMHA Residents’ Forum in December.

One of the people who nominated Marjorie was Norma Cooper, who described her as the “the best neighbour ever.”

“Not only does she bake pies and cakes for us at Londonderry Court, but she also does this for the Post Office, local fire station, garage and even the Aldi store.

“Despite being 95, she asks us all if we need shopping or anything else when she goes out and checks that we ok every single day.

“She won’t take anything in return and is the kindest and most wonderful person in the world.”

Marjorie, who receives a trophy, plaque, and payment of £150 in recognition of winning the award, said she was thrilled.

“When I heard the nominations were read out, I was sure I would be third because the other two were so good, so I couldn’t believe it when I was named the winner,” she says.

“I like to keep busy, so I am always baking, and I enjoy giving out my pies and cakes and when I am not baking I like to knit and I have been making lots of scarves for people.

“People always seem surprised that I am still doing so much at 95, but age is just a number to me.”

Paul Mullis, Chief Executive of DAMHA, said: “We had a very difficult decision this year because the standard of the nominations was incredibly high, but Marjorie’s stood out not only because of what she does for our residents at Londonderry Court, but for the wider local community as well.

“She is a real credit to the town of Seaham and thoroughly deserves this year’s award.”

Second prize, and receiving a plaque and £100, were Christine Reed, from South Shields, and third prize, and receiving a plaque and £75 went to Merrick and Linda Howarth, from Sunderland.

Christine was described in one of her nominations as having added “much value” to residents since she moved into her home and for the way she has involved residents in  twice weekly walk and sponsored events.

Mr and Mrs Howarth were described as “beautiful souls” in one of their nominations.

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