It’s not every day that a HGV smashes through the railings and into the garden of the home you have been waiting years for.
But that was exactly what happened to Geordie and Mary Tilley.
It’s a story even Geordie found difficult to believe when he received a call to say: “there’s a wagon in your garden”.
However, when he did see it for himself, he knew exactly what the vehicle was, having been a HGV driver since he was a teenager.
That was seven years ago and the railings and garden have long been repaired, leaving Geordie and Mary to enjoy their home in Ramsey Terrace, Delves Lane, Consett.
Geordie says: “We were living in a three-bedroom home around the corner from where we are now, but our two children had left home and it was getting harder to maintain, so we wanted to downsize.
“As all our family live in the area, we were keen to stay in Consett, so that meant staying on the waiting list until something came up.”
As it happened, Geordie and Mary knew what their new home was like because Mary’s sister Jean lives just two doors away.
Mary says: “Jean always said they were cracking homes and seven years on, moving here is the best thing we have ever did.
“Thanks to DAMHA, we have been able to put our own stamp on the home, such as replacing the shower with a bath and fitting our own kitchen; then we have benefited from improvements the Association has made, such as putting in new UPVC windows.
“It means we’re still very close to our children and four grandchildren and every Sunday everyone comes here and Geordie cooks for everybody – he’s great in the kitchen.”
As well as spending time with their family, Mary enjoys playing bingo and Geordie likes having a few pints at the weekend with his mates. He’s also one of DAMHA’s Resident Representatives, looking after the interests of people living at Ramsey Terrace and nearby David Guy Court.