How to magnify web pages?

All modern browsers support scaling of screen resolution to allow users to enlarge the content of the webpage being viewed to be zoomed up and down to suit their needs.


Zoom in

To zoom into the webpage making all the content larger hold Ctrl (Control key) and press the (plus) + key.

Zoom out

To zoom out of the webpage making all the content smaller hold Ctrl (Control key) and press the (minus) - key.

Reset scale

To return the page to it′s standard magnification hold Ctrl (Control key) and press the (zero) 0 key.

Apple Mac

The same proceedures are used on Apple Macs but Ctrl is replaced by the Command key.

Resident stories

massive explosion

Durham Aged Mineworkers’ Homes Association has produced a series of resident stories.

The stories demonstrate our commitment to improving the quality of peoples’ lives across the North East by providing high quality affordable housing and making sure older people can live comfortably and securely in nice communities.

To find out more please view our resident stories by clicking on any of the links on the left of this page.

© Durham Aged Mineworkers' Homes 2025
Registered Office Address: The Grove, 168 Front Street. Chester-Le-Street, County Durham, DH3 3AZ